Welcome to the City of Winston-Salem Department of Sustainability Residential Survey on Food Resiliency.

We're eager to hear from you about your experiences accessing groceries in Winston-Salem. This project aims to gather valuable data on resident's experience accessing healthy foods across the city. Your time and contributions to this survey are greatly appreciated. Please consider sharing this opportunity with others in Winston-Salem in support of building a resilient and healthy food system. Learn more about our efforts by visiting our website at: https://www.cityofws.org/870/Sustainability

Page Navigation Guide:

  1. Dive into the Survey Questions tab to share your insights.
  2. Utilize the Mapping Tool to highlight food needs in our community.
  3. Engage with the Comments section to contribute further to our efforts in enhancing food security for all Winston-Salem residents.

Please make sure you click submit on each to tab to save your entry!



Additional Comments

image of fruits & veggies

What policies or strategies would help Winston-Salem address food deserts?

Join the discussion and share your insights, experiences, and ideas for tackling the grocery gap in food deserts. Together, we can work towards building healthier, more equitable food systems for all. Click the button to share your thoughts with us!

Community Partners

Are you part of an organization that is related to the food economy or that helps food security issues in Winston-Salem? Make sure your organization is counted! Fill out the form here: Community Partner Assessment Survey – City of Winston-Salem Food Resilience Asset Mapping